Original Called For Colors: DMC B5200, 3371, 437, 434, 801, 964, 959, 3766, 3765, 505, 353, 666
Shabby Winter Calendar was originally charted in DMC I am using instead Sulky 12 wt.
I am not using any of the the called for colors. Instead am using blues, reds, greens, browns, grays etc.. My plan is to kind of “paint as I go” though I did do up a rough sketch idea on where I would like to use what colors. I don’t have a straight across color conversion because I am not going to stitch it the exact way its charted color wise so it didn’t matter to me to try and match colors etc..
Blues: 1253, 1076, 1143, 1198, 1030, 1222, 1283, 1292
Grays: 4034, 1295, 1328
Black: 1005
White : 1001
Red: 1169
Greens: 1174, 4051
Browns/Tans/Creams: 1082, 4011, 1149, 1179, 1180, 1130
If you have questions just leave a comment. Felicia ❅
#shabbywintercalendarsal This is the hashtag we are using for the month of December’s stitch along.
I was kindly gifted this chart but you can purchase it on @cuoreebatticuore Etsy shop here https://www.etsy.com/listing/657008775/chart-shabby-winter-calendar-including I am not sure where else you can purchase it. There is a PDF download option upon request.
My fabric will be 25 Count Stormy Night Lugana.
If you have questions just leave a comment or email me at mousepotatodesigns@gmail.com
Below is listed each box/days colors I actually used.
Day 1 Box 1 mittens : 1001 white, 1253 blue, 1169 red, 1149 light brown, 1180 darker brown
Day 2 Box 2 birds with sign: 1001 white, 1179 top bird, 1295 middle bird, 1149 bottom bird, 4011 sign, 1130 branch, 1169 red
Day 3 Box 3 house with trees on sled: 1001 white, 4011 roof, 4051, green, 1143, body of house, 1222 windows, 1180 sled, 1130 tree trunks
Day 4 Box 4 cake : 1130 brown, 1198, cake, 1169 red, 1295 gray
Day 5 Box 5 ice skater: 1082 skin tone, 1222 skirt, 1143 top of dress, 1182 hair, 1295 skate blades, 1001 white
Day 6 Box 6 snow globe: 1001 white, 1076 roof, 1169 heart, 4051 trees, 1030 house color, 1130 tree trunks, 1130 globe base, 1179 dots on globe base
Day 7 Box 7 snowflake : 1001 white, 1253 bow
Day 8 Box 8 reindeer? LOL : 1130 antlers, 1180 ears & hooves, 1179 head, 1198 collar, 1222 star, 1001 white
Day 9 Box 9 gnome : 1169 red, 1253 hat, 4034 sweater, 1082 nose, 1179 mittens, 1001 white
Box 10 Day 10 deer & bunny : 4051 trees, 1001 white, 1169 heart, 1328 moon, 1180 deer, 1005 black, 1295 bunny, 1130 tree trunks
Box 11 Day 11 hat : 1143 light gray, 4034 variegated gray, 4011 hat stand
Box 12 Day 12 flowers: 1169 red, 1174 green, 1030 jar, 1001 white
Box 13 Day 13 bird house: 1130 dark brown, 1143 house stripes, 1169 red, 4011 house body, 1174 green, 1295 bird, 1143 bottom of house. 1001 white
Box 14 Day 14 pot with cardinals: 1130 branches, 1222 main color of pot, 1076 accident color on pot, 1169 red 1001 white
Box 15 Day 15 girl with coat : 1001 white, 1030 main color of coat, 1253 accent color on coat, 1180 boots and hair, 1082 skin color
Box 16 Day 16 sweater: 1001 white, 1169 red, 11295 hanger
Box 17 Day 17 snowman : Hat 4034, red 1169, white 1001, sweater 1295 & 4034, black 1005
Box 18 Day 18 moose: antlers 1130 & skateboard, fur 1180, black 1005, sweater 1253, white 1001
Box 19 Day 19 flowers : white 1001 green 4051, base 1149 and 4011, red 1169
Box 20 Day 20 hot coco: white 1001, dark brown 1130, mug top and bottom 1143, mug body 1222, snowflake 1295
Title Box AKA Box 21 : white 1001, green 4051, winter 4034, red 1169, tree trunks 1130
Note: Wording for winter was taken from Silent Night by Stitches Through The Years on Etsy. You can check out @paeonia_vi shop here https://linktr.ee/stitchesthroughtheyears
Note: I used DMC Diamant D317 and D5200 along with DMC Diamant Grande G415 for assorted finishing stitches. I also used Coat & Clarks Transparent thread to help hold some finishing stitching in place.